Automotive Identity Management Services

Keep Drivers, Cars and Data Secure
While Delivering a Seamless Experience

Modern Automotive Safety is About More Than Seatbelts

As connected cars become technology-dependent, security is paramount. Vehicles are becoming mobile data centers and as such, face the same challenges as traditional data centers. Inbound and outbound access must be controlled and limited to authenticated identities. This ensures the safety of both the driver and the vehicle.

A robust identity and access management program helps ensure drivers’ data, vehicle services and the overall driving experience remains secure.

Personalized Driving Experiences

Modern automobiles are a collection of hundreds of sensors, processors and connected devices. As IoT is now an integral part of the automotive industry, manufacturers and regulators are discovering that just because a car is smart doesn’t mean it’s secure.

We implement IAM best practices such as role-based provisioning and zero-trust policies to control access for drivers, mechanics and valets. Let Identity Fusion’s automotive experience help you bring your new services online while defending against emerging threats.

woman using app to unlock car with identity management program

Secure, Compliant Innovation

Technical innovation keeps you ahead of the competition and drives customer loyalty. But with new, connected technology comes more risk. Manufacturers must mitigate the threat of cyber attackers while providing a seamless experience. Our cybersecurity experts have the knowledge needed to integrate IAM best practices into your automotive systems while helping you comply with privacy regulations.

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Supercharging Connected Vehicles

Did you ever wonder how an app can start a car, open the windows and lock the doors in less than a second? And how only authorized users can do that? Our experts help make that happen for your drivers. Listen in as Bill Nelson explains how. Watch the on-demand video now.

Complete Automotive IAM Security

Digital Key Security

Without strong IAM in place, digital key security can be even more challenging than managing physical key access. Today, automotive manufacturers need to take steps against key spoofing, accurately enroll and revoke key access and secure their own database of cryptographic keys. Our solutions help you do it all.

Hail a Ride, Share a Car

As driving habits change, so do digital identity and security requirements. Ridesharing and car-sharing apps are commonplace. Manufacturers and developers must implement secure, federated identity management solutions to enable drivers to seamlessly hail a ride on demand, while blocking unauthorized use. Identity Fusion is your expert guide to making vehicles secure under new car-as-a-service and rideshare models.

Our Services History


Implementing IAM solutions


IDF customer satisfaction rating


Identities managed

Clients Who Put Their Trust in Identity Fusion

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Secure Your Connected Vehicles

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