Identity Fusion Blog

Identity Fusion Corporate Blogs & Articles

keyboard made of s'mores candy and cookies

Trust – The Missing Ingredient

I was having a conversation with friends the other day and while it may sound nerdy as hell, the topic was focused on identity. I swear (trust me) that no drinks were involved but..

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ziggy secret identity cartoon

Secret Identities

Methinks that Ziggy secretly works for Facebook.

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digital padlock with privacy shield

Facebook’s Trolling for Keywords

I posted a status to Facebook that included the words “Sea World” and all of a sudden I received a recommended page for Sea World and other Orlando theme parks in their..

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Advice to CIOs for High Exposure Projects

I read an article in CIO Magazine about the plight of today’s CIOs when multi-million dollar multi-year projects go awry. The article entitled “The CIO Scapegoat” indicates that..

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Opinions About the Federal Government’s Identity Initiative

Interesting read. This is essentially a WebSSO initiative with authentication based on CAC type ID cards or OpenID.

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stack of books with gold stars for book review

Book Review: Digital Identity

Digital Identity by Phillip J. Windley See this book on Amazon » Bill has read this book Recommend This is a clear, consise, and easy to read book on IDM and DRM. I recommend it..

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Identity Management Lessons from Sarah Palin

By now, many of you have already heard about the hacking of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s Yahoo e-mail account earlier this week (on or about Tuesday 9/16/2008). If not, here is a..

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man logging on to laptop with identity management icons overlay

Directory Servers vs Relational Databases

An interesting question was posed on LinkedIn that asked, “If you were the architect of LinkedIn, MySpace, Facebook or other social networking sites and wanted to model the..

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