Suppose that you have an OpenDJ directory server with 300,000 entries. And further suppose that the space consumed on your disk for said directory is 1.2 GB and made up of 114..
The OpenDJ directory server is highly scalable and can process all sorts of requests from different types of clients over various protocols. The following diagram provides an..
An understanding of the components that make up the OpenDJ Architecture is useful for administering, configuring, or troubleshooting the OpenDJ server.
Your digital identity is comprised of information that you volunteer about yourself and information that is observed about you as you simply participate in life. You can..
One question that arises time and time again pertains to the manner in which OpenDJ stores it entry data and how this differs from the Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition..
How well do our vendors know us? I mean, how well do they really know us? And how much do they care?
I started working with Directory Servers back in 1997 when Netscape was but a fledging company. Over the past 15 years a lot has changed. Companies have come and gone and code has..
We oftentimes view new technologies as providing us with the path back to Eden – that which returns us to leisure and care free living. Yet with each new technological..
Do you use Facebook? Since over 700 million people do, the odds are pretty high that you fall in this category. Are you concerned with your privacy and want control over who sees..